
By ayearinthelife

On My Own

Down to the last three days on my own before Mrs C returns from her holiday. Having eaten the only possible meal combination from the freezer last night, I needed to do some food shopping today.
And I started off with such good intentions - the tomato and chicken breasts were the first items on the trolley. But then I kind of lost interest and started perusing microwaveable meals for one. I’m telling myself that the chicken curry meal will be better for me than having a takeaway - though I can pretty much guarantee it won’t be as tasty.
One thing this shopping trip did highlight was just how difficult it is - in a supermarket, anyway - to buy fresh food to cook in quantities suitable for one person. Everything seems to come in multiples of two so you either have the same thing twice in a week, hope the second one will freeze or accept a high level of wastage. But there is no shortage of pre-prepared meals for one, implying that those responsible for what products are put on the shelves believe that all people who live on their own can’t - or won’t - cook from scratch.
A complete contrast weather wise today - cold, windy and rainy all day. Still, I needed to defrost the freezer so that took care of the morning. Then it was a PT Session before lunch so I only really had to venture out properly to do the shopping. And because there is an underground car park I didn’t even get wet (except when I unloaded at home!) One bit of bad news is that car park charges restart from Monday. Charges were suspended last April due to Covid and it has been free (up to three hours) to park since. It’s probably not a bad thing that the charge is coming back as everyone has cottoned on to it being free town centre parking, and it wasn’t unusual to find the car park absolutely full, but the store empty, after non-essential shops reopened last month. I just need to remember to pay to park when we do the shopping next week or it could turn out to be a very expensive visit!

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