Place: St Pete, FL 69/88
Main activity: Fri - roller coaster
Notes: Woke 5a again with a feeling of something just not quite right. Went about my day, more work again with this recent drop of appointments. On and off phone with Alison much of the day. Also received the link for the OR lease - took my time going thru that. Went to a quiet pool for 45 min, this amazing tree even more full. Got an email from Alison about how OR is getting much worse to live in ... where as FL is progressing great! The off-feeling of first thing came back and I emailed the new landlords to say I didn't feel it was a good week to be coming in and would they consider pushing back the move-in date. They want June 1 and told me at the end of this process that they will required the new tenant to be vaccinated. Normally I would've flipped out - but this was relief, almost funny at how easy it was to say HELL NO! So that is solved, and my plan of going forward has been reset. Took a bit more to the car, organized and finalized more of what I could and then relaxed for rest of the day.

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