Sour face.

The Jedi stole one of Lincoln's sour Sweet's. He payed the price ;-). 

It's been a lovely and full on day today. Work went really well and I tried to navigate as best as I could. It's a little difficult when I have a 7 foot ladder to carry too. But I took along a drumming strap and attached it to the ladder so that it was easier to carry. And what a difference. 
The cycle there was so peaceful, as it's early I only passed a couple of people. I did however get rained on . But as I was working in scrubs it was fine as they're nice and dry. 

The Wildlings had a great time seeing nana and grandad. The bigger boy's actually came into a toy shop beforehand to choose something. Xander got a great school report and he sold some of his cards' so used most of his own money. 

And tonight it's treat night and we're having taco's again. Woo hoo. 

I thought that the Jedi was good for silly Saturday in memory of Admirer. X 

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