
By ayearinthelife

Walking in Memphis

No, not that one. It’s walking in Kendal if we’re being strictly accurate, but it’s not often that the song title in my head, the activity I’m undertaking and a photo opportunity coincide so neatly. I used to know the chap who lived here. Sadly no longer with us but he was - as you may have guessed - a huge Elvis fan. Nice to see the new owners decided to keep the name.
I realised this morning that I was well short of my monthly “walk challenge” on Strava. With only 9 days to go, I was not even halfway to the 50km goal, so decided I would try and get several kilometres under my feet as long as it remained dry. Went the long way round to the gym for my PT session. My trainer gave me a good workout, so I returned home the short way to save my aching legs! Feeling stronger after lunch, I went out for a walk around the south of Kendal and along the river. Flagging towards the end, I was revived by the sight of Mrs C, who had just returned from Scotland and had walked to meet me.
Pleased to report that after all that, I now only need to cover a mere 14K over the next nine days in order to meet the target. I reckon that should be easily achievable, even though a lot of rain is forecast next week. Speaking of which, I gave the dandelions their weekly trim - sorry, mowed the lawn - whilst it was still dry.
This evening’s entertainment is doing the ironing whilst watching Eurovision. I sometimes wonder how I keep up this rock’n’roll lifestyle....

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