
Good old binder twine; multiple uses in multiple places and never afraid to steal the show.

After checking the watering schedule for a friend's plants and forcing myself to have a coffee (isn't it just wonderful to be able to do that?) Berry and I took a wander up and down another narrow pathway. It's interesting going back and forth over the same area, noticing details you might otherwise miss on a single sweep through. Berry certainly didn't tire of the smells on offer and we had a pretty good time.

This afternoon I've moved the contents of our damp shed and the barn into the lovely dry red shed. A bit of work to do in there to get tool hooks up and some shelves but once we can source the items it'll get done. At the moment it's rather like LD's 'floordrobe' from her teenage years; I know where everything is but they need filing properly.

We're watching the US PGA golf tonight; more like background noise while we fiddle with phones and catch up on other stuff but there's the occasional bit of excitement and we do like watching these pros making everything seem so simple. If only ...!!!

An extra proving Berry woz there ;-)

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