
Between houses.
Between downpours.
Between chores.

An ordinary day... until the evening, when we both enjoyed watching the Eurovision Song Contest, AW downstairs with the TV between films and during commercial breaks, me upstairs behind my laptop (without the superfluous extra commentary) while sorting out new genealogy info that arrived in the afternoon.  When the final tally began with the public votes, I went down and we watched together.  Four of my favourites ended up in the Top 5, for a change -- Iceland, Switzerland, Italy, and France, and AW's only favourite, Ukraine, made it to the Top 5, too!  An evening of winning!  Who would have thought?

Thank you for all your support the past couple of days.  I hope to deliver good news one day, but it won't be tomorrow or next week yet.  There's no other way but forward, and this is something I have to do, and so, after so many decades, I'm finally doing it, so that is better than if I had just sat back and sighed myself to death.  Yea, let's rock!

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