
By lynnjones7186


I have been avoiding food shots, but I had to show you this dish. I should have used a flash as the lighting was not good. However, this was an amazing dish of pork loin wrapped in pancetta and served with red wine sauce. The dots are blackberry, mustard and a green sauce. The pork had been sous vide for fours hours and was melt in the mouth tender. Apologies to my vegetarian friends. For dessert we chose Affogato, I find Italian coffee to strong for me so tend to avoid it, however, once the vanilla ice cream joins it the story changes and you get a fabulous ice latte.

It is still very hot here. On Saturday we had a massive storm, lights in our condo flashing, torch on standby. We took quick showers fearing that we would loose power. When we were travelling to the restaurant we noticed that part of our area had indeed suffered from a power outage. We read on Sunday that a few trees came down during the short but violent storm. We got some decent rain, but definitely need more. The humidity has risen.

Covid cases are on the rise in Bangkok. Both the Indian and South African variants have been found. We just hope that it stays in Bangkok. In Chiang Mai we had nine cases yesterday, all traceable. We are hoping that we can get vaccinated next month.

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