Windmill 'De Vriendschap', Bleskensgraaf

'Vriendschap' means 'Friendship'.  We're good friends, aren't we?

A mid-afternoon drive when the sun broke through.  Thankfully not much wind at that moment, so the clouds were not racing along, but they were there, just the same, growing and flexing their grey muscles, but not in this little corner.  Without any real plan, waited till I was on the road before I thought of Schiedam again (there are 6 more mills there), then looked at the sky and decided again on the N3, intending to cross the A15 to Old Alblas, but there was a shadow already above Old Alblas so turned right in the direction of Schoonhoven and Bleskensgraaf, and the shadow had not yet reached Bleskensgraaf, so that is where I ended up.  Yet another polder community, with narrow roads along both sides of the canal.  The windmill was facing the sun across the canal from where I was, which was quite fortunate.  It was even turning while I was there.  There's an extra showing more of the canal to the east.

Woke up at about 09.00, together with AW, made him his coffee, checked my mail, then returned to bed and woke up again at about 13.00.  I must have needed it.  When I got up, noticed that my throat was feeling much better.  AW left on foot for some supermarket errands and we agreed that I should go for it while the sun was out.  On the way back, it started to rain on the N3, so my timing was really good.  Fortunately, the sun was out again by the time I reached home.  It is a tricky time to go hunting but certainly worth it.

Housework, research, and AW's Monday bridge online filled up the rest of the day.  Doing what I can to push some issues aside.  It doesn't always work, so I am thankful for any and all distractions at my disposal.  For instance, I've returned to some unfinished reading -- Salman Rushdie.

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