Tuesday's painting...

My digital painting for today in ZenBrush3 on my tiny Pixel phone screen.
The actual size of the painting that I am working on in my Pixel phone screen is 6cm by 8.5 cm. Which in inches is a tad over 2 inches by a tad over 3 inches for those of us who still like inches (that is me).

For a change I decided to do the background the previous day, and then finish up the foreground/more detail the next day, this morning.

Because I do get bogged down doing a lot more detail in the background than is probably necessary especially for such a small phone screen.

The background took half an hour last night before I went to sleep, and it's quite relaxing doing that the last thing. I thought the background was a bit rough and so I thought I'd probably do a bit more work on it in the morning, that is this morning.

But when I looked at the background this morning with fresh eyes, I realised it didn't really need anything more on it, so I left it as it was and just worked on the trees in the foreground and also the rock on the foreground. That took me another half hour.

Then I decided to be adventurous and add a few tiny figures. Try adding a few tiny figures on something you are working on in a digital painting which is about 2 inches by 3 inches. It is practically impossible. It was another half hour with some colourful words added....

Doing something tiny like this with the real brush, real paint, and real people, is another ball game because it is easier to do an impression of something. But in this case I am working with pixels. And pixels are not always the easiest thing in the world to do an impression of something with.

My first attempt, the figure looked like Dennis the Menace. For my second attempt the figure looked like something out of the Simpsons. Finally, I had to give myself a talking to. Just get on with it I said to myself (that's what I tell my students when I am teaching painting, just put the paint on the paper! I say...)

So I did the pictures and I thought they were terrible, but I just carried on doing them until I finished. And then I thought it didn't look too bad....

So here is my offering for today's painting, about an hour's work, and then those tiny figures on top of that....

EDIT for above bit...
I have just looked at it on my bigger iPad screen which is ginormous compared to my tiny Pixel phone screen which is literally 2 inches by 3 inches. I am amazed it looks like there is so much detail on the larger iPad screen.

I will try another tomorrow....


Have a good day. Don't get as drowned as I did yesterday when suddenly an ocean was dropped from a moment's earlier clear blue sky. And the roads and pavements were awash in rising flood water. If I hadn't have my walker with me I would have been washed off my feet. It was like a strong tidal wave. At one point, to get back to the car I had to cross the road and the water rose to well above my ankles, halfway between the ankles and my knees. My car was on a bit of a hill and I worried it might move itself.

The last time this happened where I live in the High Street, I was in the car in it and the manhole covers in the road just blew into the air and I was so terrified one was going to blow underneath my car.

So that was my fear yesterday, while I'm sitting in the car completely drowned to skin. I waited about half an hour, and then when it shows signs of abating I finally drove home. All my clothes had to go in the washing machine through the spin cycle, I just put on clean clothes that morning, I needn't have bothered.

I was so cold, and I felt really ill yesterday. I spent the rest of the day underneath my electric blanket sleeping. It was evening when I finally actually warmed up all the way through.

Have a dry day, somehow x

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