
It's 8 in the morning, and I'm waiting for my husband to pick me up from the garage where I've just left my car for a service.

Originally, the garage were supposed to drive me home, that was until I discovered, they wanted me to drive their driver back to my house, and then their driver would drive my car back to the garage. I thought that was rather ridiculous, and defeated the object of me taking the car in so early, as by the time we'd done all this, the school traffic would be in full swing and they probably wouldn't get back until 9am.

You see I thought they would provide a driver in a different car, to take me home, whilst they got on with the service. How silly of me!!

I haven't used this garage in a long time, but the one I originally booked the car into for a service was charging such a price, that I've gone back to this one.

They did a good job, and being so much cheaper I'll use them again. I'll just organise my husband to come with me next time, so that I don't have to spend so much time waiting for a lift.

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