Marsupium Photography

By magi

cutting the pavement


I got quite distracted by the construction site outside the flat. The CityFibre is arriving on Dalkeith Rd (see extra). I guess at the moment they are putting in the conduits for the fibre. The fibre will be blown through the conduits later on - undoubtedly another blip opportunity. I wonder if the fibre will stop on the pavement or whether they are going to put them into the stairs as well. I guess it's not as obvious as in the US. We only recently got fibre to the premise. The CityFibre would be a serious upgrade to a synchronous line (both up- and download get the same bandwidth) with up to 900MBit/s bandwidth. Luckily, our current ISP is a partner so we could upgrade. I guess we will have to see how much the new service will cost.

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