A sight for sore eyes

Excruciating pain this morning when I woke. Had pain in my eye most of the night but when 6am came along I couldn't bear the tiniest amount of light.

Got downstairs, banana, tablets, cold compress, sunglasses and tea. After about 40 mins I could just about bear the tv wearing 2 pairs of sunglasses.

Got in at the docs and she was concerned my eyes were worsening so sent me to hospital. Couldn't drive so bus journeys and it was freezing cold stood there waiting too.

Got to qmc at about 11.30, saw the triage and then another nurse. Various examinations, eye pressures checked, and I'm told I've got a condition called iritis. Never heard of that! Nurse said I needed to see a doctor later in the afternoon. He put some drops in which my pupils dilate and really blurry!

Could hardly see but sniffed out where the cafe was and had sausage roll and a coffee. Wandered outside for some fresh air. Took this pic which doesn't look too bad to say that everything was blurry, a lovely building outside the qmc. Managed to text in super large font too!

Saw the doctor. Got 2 lots of drops. One lot to he taken every hour for the first 24 hours, then every 2 hours for the next two days, etc etc, not much sleep ahead then!

The a&e eye unit were brill, shame that the 1 1/2 hour wait at the pharmacy wasn't quicker. Matt had been a star, waiting for me. By the time we got back the pain was immense. I'd have gladly paid to haves eye ripped out.

Dinner, tablets, drops and sat in candlelight all night.

Pete had been a v good boy, great company, must sense something ain't right bless him.

Long night ahead....

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