
By picklepeter

Ayrshire fun with Mr Wortman et al

Through in Ayrshire last night, today and tomorrow with various pals. Today we went for a slightly abortive walk across the moorland to the south of the Irvine Valley. It was abortive as it pelted it down with snow (unexpected) and the bog that we (I...) thought would be fairly un-boggy after the three weeks of dry weather we've had, erm, wasn't.

Wet feet and driving snow isn't a combination that makes for happy walkers so we bailed early and went to the Black Bull in Darvel for a couple of pints. This blip is of Gabe Wortman - Arizonan ex pat extraordinaire, here to clean up the mean streets of Glasgow (quite literally).

Image credit for this goes to Sarah - I like it!

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