
Rapeseed isn't a crop I see too often in the North, so when I saw these gorgeous fields trapped betwixt the M6 and the Shap road I pulled over to admire them. And, even more importantly, the blue sky.

Thank you for all the kind comments yesterday.

I wasn't going to comment about this until I'd passed at least the first assignments and completed module one... But part of my current brain fog is that as well as starting the CIC and coming to terms with the part of my working life I love the most potentially ending.... I've started a Masters in Psychology*. As a bright kid who dropped out of academic learning 32 years ago to go party in the Hacienda its a big big step. Frankly I don't know if I'm clever enough, diligent enough or can manage my time well enough. Fortunately I do know that putting a thing down in black and white in front of others is a really good step in making it happen.

To help with my swirling head I've downloaded a time tracking app to understand what's required and where I spend my time.
Today (at least) I spent more time studying than gardening (just) or working on the van. Having gotten all of this week's study done ahead of a weekend of actual work, I rewarded myself with an hour in the gym... Which cost me 1hr 55 due to travelling lol. I'm hoping to start to see patterns. But I'm self aware enough to know I can be a butterfly.

*the first few weeks have been an exceptionally steep learning curve, apparently there's no gentle easing in phase on a masters lol.

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