New Leotard.

I wanted a photo of Mia in her new leotard.  But the only place she would pose, was near the front door!

I didn't want to hassle her, as I didn't want her to get upset again.

Anyway, with only a little wobble she made it through class, without crying.  And really enjoyed herself.

They've made the class smaller.  Now only 8 children instead of 15.  So, hopefully that will be better.

When we came home, she went outside with the Cloud Dough.  And was happy as she could make as much mess as she liked.

When we went to pick Isabella up from school, we went to look at the new class garden, the children are making.

One of Isabella's friends was there, watering the plants with her Mum.

She said to me, 'I know who you are.'

'Do you.'  I replied.

'Yes, your Isabella's Mum.'

I'll take that.

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