SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Steve Ten10

Today was a proud day and a first. But hopefully not a last!

Our church - Kerith -produces an event 2-3 times a year called Ten10. This is where 10 members of the church speak for 10 minutes across the 3 meetings that are brand newbies to preaching.

Steve was asked a few months ago if he would like to do one of the slots and he did! Fast forward 3 months and he has now completed his first sermon.

He wasn't nervous, I think I was more butterfly tummy than what he was, but the boy did good! His talk was on communication and he communicated beautifully. Rapturous applause at the end, laughter throughout and many congratulations at the end of the meeting.

You can find the podcast here. http://www.kerith.co.uk/audio/sermons/20130303_02_A_Better_Prayer_Life.mp3

He did such a great job and got his point across in such an accessible way that he should absolutely be proud of. Here is to many more!

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