Friday's painting...

...I failed miserably doing the Lin Fengmian seated figure...
But the head was workable. So I cropped the rest of the figure and deleted it.
I could not have drawn/painted a seated figure today to save my life.
I will have another go at it for tomorrow. I will try the same seated figure if I can.

I did it on the larger iPad screen, because the phone was recharging, and so I did it within Procreate, using the gouache brush and the soft airbrush.

I am very tired. A long day. A hospital visit to sort out ear trouble, and I now have antibiotics. Back home. Popeye was upset I was gone so long, but it couldn't be helped. His girlfriend has visited again...

I am in bed now, going to sleep very soon, but I will play catch up tomorrow. Thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday and the faves you kindly gave me.

Take care
Sweet dreams
From me and that cat, and that cat's girlfriend. I will put her out in a minute...she can go to her own house for supper and bed. I am very strict, no overnight stays for girlfriends. She sneaks in, and then emerges when I have locked all windows and doors...

I know where she comes from, there are 3 cats there...

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