Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Shoes made for running

Quiet day with the Eco kids.

Eco daughter realised that she had left her Nintendo DS and games at the sports centre last night. She thought it was gone and was devasted and cried herself to sleep. Up first thing to the sports centre, it had been handed in, her face lit up and thanked the manager so much.

Eco son had a pal for a sleep over. I always get a hard time off my kids as I insist on them getting some sleep on these occasions. They always say 'At other people's houses we are allowed to stay up must of the night'. 'Tough' I say 'get some sleep as I have to live with you tomorrow and you get grumpy with no sleep!'

My mum is looking after the kids tomorrow night, I am escaping for a night away with Eco mum. I plan to run up some hills and she will sit and read her book.

These are my under used fell shoes, cannot wait to try out the old legs on Saturday.

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