St Peter's Seminary

A mini Blip meet today. A pleasure to meet Richard and Stuart again.  The 3 of us for a number of years were photographers at the Best of the West festival, but sadly for financial reasons it no longer takes place.

So today we met up to explore the fascinating derelict St Peter's Seminary. It was abandoned in 1987 and is in a sorry state but great for photography.   I've added a few Extras.   Posting them was a bit rushed so apologies if I've missed anything.  Sometimes just as you are ready to post something you notice some foul language or something pornographic,  and these ones aren't really approriate for Blip.

A sad end to our visit when we were interrupted by the most horrendous howling/squealing from a dog that I've ever heard.  Not long after that a lady in distress and very upset.  We went to investigate/help and learned that the dog had fallen down at least one floor - maybe more than that. The two owners managed to lift it and were on their way to the vet when we left them.   To be honest we were surprised that in such a dangerous derlict building they had their two dogs off the lead.

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