'Will You Get A Move On!!....

...and decide if you want that box!'

Is perhaps what this bird was thinking looking at the Great Tits inspecting a bird box, again.

For a while this afternoon, I thought I was watching mother natures version of 'Location, Location, Location'. With Mrs Great Tit repeatedly looking around in the box, inspecting the nest she'd built, and trying to decide it seems as if she wanted to setup house there.

Her hubby even came in as if to say 'I'll leave to it love, whatever you decide, I'll wait in the sunshine outside...'

I do have footage of this, which I need to convert for You Tube, and will hopefully provide a link tomorrow. She left the box, then returned some time later, then left again,, only to surprise me by leaving two eggs in the nest. 

At the moment of writing this, over an hour later, I have checked the camera, and she has yet to return it seems. Here's hoping for the best. 

By the way, this is another bird box in the garden, affixed to the summer house, where the camera does work. I have attached two extra screenshots of the inside the box to enjoy. Here's hoping :-).

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