View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Rhododendron Yakushimanum

A very warm day and a very busy day.
I painted the other four wall containers and the new posts that were attached to the fence for the deer fencing. Another coat of paint on the containers. Planted some plant in the troughs along the fence. I went down to the bin in the car with some rubbish and then sat on the shore watching some swimmers and some visitors who were not pleased that the ferry was not running. Didn't do their research very well.
I then went for a run in the car to Badcal.
Home and cut the grass at the back door and round the stone seat. In between everything I had a seat under my umbrella.
I had washed some sweaters by hand and put them in the washing machine to rinse and spin but unfortunately I forgot about them and accidently pressed the button and they started getting another rinse. No way of stopping the machine so had to wait till it finished. One cardigan completely ruined and hopefully I have recovered a sweater which was my favourite.

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