and through the wire...

By hesscat

The Boy Can Swim!


We had planned to check out the beach at Gedintailor down the hill from us, it goes out like a pensinsula, some may just call it a "pensinsula" and has a beach either side. It looked mainly a pebble beach but it was sandy closer to the sea. The sun was out, the water cold but Mrs C still went for a swim. We also took the opportunity to encourage Arlo into deeper water by throwing the frisbee out, and Mrs C and Ms H out there with him. Although cautious he eventually took the plunge and how we laughed as his front paws were doggy paddling and his back two were walking on the sand. But he did do full on swimming several times and seemed fine with it, although was shivering when he came out, nae wonder! It was lovely there, just the right temparature and amount of breeze. I don't know how we've never been aware of this part of Skye! I suspect we'll be back later in the week as it is so close. 

We then headed into Portree for lunch, at 5pm, got some groceries and returned to sit in the garden with a g&t. The 1st photo is part of the garden looking on to Sgurr Mhairi.

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