'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Blue Tuesday

I can turn either way when coming out of our driveway when going to work. This morning one way was blocked by a snow drift. The other is permanently flooded. There was no way I would have been able to drive though the snow, so I had to face the flood. Despite the mini icebergs that flowed past my windows, things went fairly well (albeit slow) until after the minor lake.
After that the lane becames fairly steep down hill to the river. Panic. The car wanted to go at one speed, I at another. After I released the clutch (Ja Ja stupid fool, it's not in gear until the clutch is released) I happily cruised along in 2nd gear. Not for long. At a sharp, blind bent a Postie appeared coming the other way. There was no way that I was going to stop or go slower. The Postie must have seen the panic in my face , because he started to reverse quickly. He didn't look stressed by me coming at him at a steady speed, but he may be in sleep therapy now. Fortunately he just passed a property & could reverse onto their drive.

Work was even more stress. Why do work come in snow drifts? For a few months I had between little to do & enough to keep me busy, but since Thursday the arc opened. Everybody want to do something to someone else I need our help to do it. Not that I'm complaining, lots of work is good.

On the way home the road were clear (good), but he car lost power & started to stall (not good). We made it home (good). Neighbour R took it for a drive along the lane to see if he can find the fault because C is working late. As expected, the car performed perfectly.

Hope I can twist C's rubber arm to open a bottle of wine tonight.

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