Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Attended my first worship service at Cumbernauld Old Parish Church since February 2020 yesterday, Trinity Sunday.

When churches were allowed to reopen for public worship in Scotland we took the decision just to have 'in person' worship on the last Sunday of the month. Ours is quite a small kirk and limited to a maximum of 30 people at the moment. Also, our decision was shaped by the fact that we can't sing and so many of us enjoy watching the pre-recorded services from the comfort of our own homes. For me, this was the first time for a while that I wasn't leading worship elsewhere when there was a service in my own church. It was good to be back.

A lazy day followed. Washed the car in the evening when it got a bit cooler. Cleanliness being next to Godliness and all that!

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