twinned with trumpton


Slowly out the blocks to meet Baz at 0930 and wander up to watch Alex's game at the Jack Kane Centre; a 21-1 victory to the Craigie team in the haar. 
I walked Barry home and then set about scouring the neighbourhood for trolleys (there's always loads there - usually Asda ones from the Jewel) and then left the haar behind to head up to Her's for brunch. (She was doing the OT she hadn't been able to do on Saturday - bliddy IT innit)

Suitably restored I sped off down to the foot of the Walk to meet Magi - armed with t shirts and factor 30 we set about examining the work at the Coatfield Lane legal graff wall. Then onwards along the WOL and up thru Pilrig Park, along the old railway line to admire street art there before winding up back at the start.

We cycled back up to the Commie Pool; I bade Magi farewell and grabbed coriander for dinner and went back to Her's.

A prawn / garlic / chilli / lime / coconut / coriander supper with rice and naan; and in a rare oversight - more rice in the form of Ms Grigson's classic rice pudd (with added slices of lemon zest)

One has to refuel somehow; after 170 odd km on the bike over the weekend....

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