
By Happy_Janwen

Grabbing Granddad’s Walking Stick

We took our granddaughter to the Newark Park this afternoon.  All the wild flowers looked stunning in the sunshine and the children’s park proved to be enticing.  She managed the mini rope walkways on the climbing frame and met many ‘new friends’ allowing us a well deserved break.
However, in the back of my mind came a niggling thought, could she make the  long walk back up to the camper van?  No doubt she would be horribly tired and neither of us wanted to carry her back.  So, I resorted to the use of a juice drink and after a bit more walking some home made lemon cake was shared. After our meagre provisions were exhausted and she was showing signs of coming to a complete stop, Granddad’s walking stick proved to be a source of amusement as she tried to grab it. However, he was far too clever for that and we eventually reached the top.  Our luck was in, she even fell asleep the moment we arrived home allowing us to  put our feet up for half an hour. Bliss!

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