Automated Hen House!

10°C  -  9 mph ENE Wind Speed  -  11 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Sunny.  The lady next-door, Millie, has bought a new Hen House.  Her sister calls it ‘Millie’s Hen House’ and has made a slate sign for it.  The door is automated so Milly doesn’t have to get up at dawn to let her hens out, the door is set to open at 6 am every day.  How’s that for a brilliant piece of technology?  I took advantage of the lovely sunny light to get a decent photo over the fence.  Thank you for the stars and favourites for yesterday's ringed Starling.  I e-mailed the blip to the local Ringer and he confirmed it was one he had ringed on 20/3/2019, and that it had also been spotted locally twice in 2020.  It is nice to get that sort of history behind one's blips now and again:)

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