The man, the myth, the legend...

Danny and I had coffee at his viewpoint overlooking Ibiza Town. That's the prison below, in yellow... Really good to have a couple of hours together and to talk about this, that and the other. 
Second half of the morning I finished the editing form Monday's pics, and then popped to Joha's to collect clothes she's giving away - some for me, some for the homeless. Good to catch up. 
Straight from school we did the usual Sole wave - it's just always so so good seeing her arms waving through the bars!! Nate shouted 'I love you' as we headed back to the car.
I had lunch with Anne the photographer and Natasha the Caritas social worker - they're both such inspirational women! 
Home and Asha went off to tennis...and Artist Helen came over for a cup of tea. Great to see her. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Managing to get the bandage off my knee and seeing that the healing looks like it's going ok. It's still blooming painful, I suppose because the wound is moved every time I move. 
2) Coffee with Danny and good conversation.
3) Seeing Ricardo looking clean, smelling fresh, and loving having his own room and no longer being homeless!!

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