Wait a minute Mr postman

It's been a semi frustrating day. We're going to Butlins this month and finally we were able to start booking activities and swimming etc. And everything is fully booked. When booking the holiday we were told that we would automatically have three swim sessions and be able to see Peppa pig and Thomas etc but everything is booked. I have spent most of the day trying to get through to them on the phone and have had no joy. We're not paying a big amount of money to go away and just have dinner. 

Finally the leak in our ensuite was fixed today. It took the plumber three hours. 

Lincoln had his last session of speech therapy this morning. Now we just continue to work on his sounds at home . He's had another headache today. So once the plumber had left I took them all out for a play at the park and to post something to a blipper. 

His doctor referred him this morning to peadiatrics and earlier on I had them call me to say that the consultant wanted to see him today. Well we have arranged to go in the morning. In one way it's really good that they want to see him quite quickly but I'm now a little worried at how fast it has came through. I'm not really a person that worries much but my nerves are a little shot to say the least. But we do need answers on why he's having headaches. World of blip keep your fingers crossed. I will keep use updated. 

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are all doing. Xx

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