Mermaid fingertips

A moving and weighty, but fun, final visit with Ed before he's expelled to the UK on Thursday. Staggering to listen to him talk about the impact Danny and Stephen have had on his life...he's always said it, but he was explicit in why, and how today. I'm really going to miss these Saturday visits! Today one of the other lad's girlfriends had come for her first visit. She lives in the UK so it's a big thing to come! Good to meet her outside prison and walk with her through the process. After the visits she said M couldn't stop smiling the entire hour.
A rainy afternoon so films and then some painting...I liked these mermaid-esque fingertips I was left with!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny and Stephen doing what they do.
2) The kids enjoying a crazy half hour of hilarious dancing - turns out Nate loves drum & bass! Ha!
3) An afternoon with an elevated leg (Daveen!!), films and a bit of ice cream. 

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