Good day for art

Rain or heavy mist all day.  The rest of the country seems to be basking in sunshine still.   But again we had a wonderful day. Visited the Tate which reminded us of the Pier Gallery in Stromness, also connected to the Tate.  Not such a lovely building (blip is the view from the cafe) but many of the same artists and obviously full of the influences of the St Ives artists.  Walked in real rain up hills of bungalows out to the Bernard Leach museum, which was shut despite what the website said, until mid June.  Nice shop though, bought a plate, school of Bernard as a second, plus a simple bowl made by the slightly anxious woman running the shop who’d been a pupil of Janet Leach.  

Late lupper/linner, whatever you call the meal for when you can get a slot,  at one of Porthminster restaurants run by the local hero an Ozzie chef who has the lock on local fine dining.  We had the seafood platter which was excellent.  It was perfect compensation for the rain outside to be stuck inside with great food.  Rolled home, walked on the beach before telly on the iPad and bed. 

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