Hot off the Press

Well yesterday’s blip never made it. Was working down at the Railway and went without a card in my camera. Took a beautiful photo of my great niece and her little daughter on my cell phone down loaded it on to my computer twice and it disappeared. In the end I gave up
My blip tonight is the book I purchased the day it came into the shops but with going to Stewart Island And coming home to a flood I haven’t got it read. Have read the previous six in this series. The best book series I have ever read. Have been waiting on it to hit the shelves for a year. Lucinda Riley has had health issues but all going well she has an 8th one planned. I hear they are planning to turn them into a film
Grey weather here so have achieved little for the day bar knitting and reading
Was delighted that my little birds made the front page for a day, they are so cute.

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