
By spishy

Keeping the streets clean? Let me explain...

I have got into the dangerous habit of driving along with my camera round my neck, so that I can randomly click away in the hope of capturing something unexpected, amusing, interesting.
Most of the time I end up with multiple shots of my steering wheel or a load of blurred rubbish.

I see this chap every morning wheeling his cleaning trolley along the same stretch of road, come snow, rain or shine. He is clearly very patriotic as that Union Jack is a permanent feature on the trolley.

This morning, apart from the usual steering wheel images, I have inadvertently managed to capture the moment he turned up SusSEX RoAD.
As I have a very puerile sense of humour this image made me laugh when I reviewed my pics.

Given a little more time I might have been able to think of a better title, but I have a mountain of paperwork to get through. I did ask Ed if she could think of a clever title but I just got a blank look. and then she said to me....

"can you believe that this time last week it was last Wednesday"

See what I have to put up with?!! We don't call her "brains" for nothing!
Of course she is clever and lovely really (she might read this later)

I did take a picture of the house over the road, earlier. There was black smoke pouring out of their chimney. I wondered whether they were holding their own conclave for the new Pope. It would have been topical of course but not a particularly interesting image. I'm rambling... must get on with some work.

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