
By Farmerboab

Wash and go....

Another one of those days.
Round the cattle, then hitched up the fertiliser spreader and spread 3 loads onto the ground I worked over the weekend.
Back home and headed off to Ingliston show ground for my 2nd covid vaccine.
What should have been a simple job turned into a 2 hr long queue as seemingly they were short of staff this morning . Got there eventually though. Stopped off for a late lunch on the way home and took the car for a much needed wash as it was covered in tree sap and flys .
Back home by late afternoon then back onto the power harrow to go over my fertiliser tracks . Hope to roll the field and lift stones tomorrow so the contractor can get the grass seed sown.
Then off down the road tonight to feed the heifers I put out on Friday.
Roll on bed time.

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