All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Car Trouble!

I think I'm a jinx and shouldn't be around cars.

As I mentioned in yesterdays blip, hubbie, friend and I were going down to Galashiels to visit another friend yesterday afternoon. We were driving along the A7 (nice country road for anyone who doesn't know it) when a car came the opposite direction. Just as it draws level with us ... its' axle snaps, front wheel spins round to face us and the car starts heading our way! I was so sure he was going to drive right into us but luckily he got the car under control and managed to stop. We turned round as soon as we could and went back to check if he was ok. Surprisingly enough we seemed more shaken up than he did! The main problem (other than the fact his car was completely gubbed) was that he had come to a stop right on a bend. So we stayed with him for 1/2 hour till the police arrived and hubbie did his best traffic cop "slow down" impersination at all the cars hurtling, unawares, towards the broken down car.

Then on the way home, I hit something. I was devestated. In 19 years of driving, I've never, ever hit an animal. It just ran across the road out of nowhere and there was nothing I could do, but I was so upset. I thought it was a cat but hubbie reckons it was a hare. I stopped and he went back to check on it but couldn't see it (also made him check the front of the car in case the poor thing was stuck to that)! He tried to tell me it will be fine as it has obviously run off, but I've got a horrible feeling it has staggered off to a field to die. I'm such a softie and was in tears nearly the whole way home!

So today, I managed an uneventful drive in to work. In fact the whole day was uneventful. Kept busy all morning, took a few rubbish photos at lunchtime, then halfway through the afternoon someone shouted out "there's a car on fire outside our building". How conditioned am I now that my first thought was "oooh - that could make a good blip" haha! Of course, it ended up not being that dramatic - a bit of smoke but no flames. But I'm sure that wasn't much comfort to the poor driver and I'm glad it wasn't my car!

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