"Reed"ing Light and Austin

The Boss's iPhone says that this is a Reed (common). I found that quite disappointing as it was so spectacular and it's capture coincided with a "breather" as we (The Boss and ME) staggered up a steepish bit off Wellington to meet a friend at a movie (Minamata) which was dramatic watching about industrial pollution and a drunken photographer and the subsequent death of "Life" magazine..  Sorry but you do need to be an older dog to remember about "Life" magazine. 
Austin (The Dog) features in extras and was spotted while out with the Churton Park staggerers this morning. Total for day 18297  (12 Km) so he's tired and wants ME to organise Tea but I cant reach the fridge door.....

Stop press.  Late extra from The Bossess "Inversion in Wanaka" 

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