
By Annieone


Quick Blip I had a busy day....had to get two new back tyres for my car in order to get my NCT that took awhile!!
These are the crocus in my front flowerbed...surviving well as we've had some decent weather this week..!
Had a burst of late evening sunshine after a heavy shower.....
so ran out to take a quick Blip picture of them!!!

Kitty ran off out just as I came in....shouting something about S having fed he was ok for dinner....and he didn't want any pictures taken today!!
So I hadn't much choice but to Blip my flowers.....sorry to his pals......I'll get him tomorrow.....I promise!!!!!

After the long wait we are about to get a new Pope.....there was White Smoke just awhile ago and his name is about to be announced in the next 10 mins or so....!

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