
By Jeanettie6

Rock n (hopefully not) Roll

I read about this sculpture in the paper the other day, so decided to take a very quick trip over to Hyde Park to have a look at it for myself before work. I didn't go too close, unlike the brave lady in the photo. Here is the 'cut and paste' info, saves a bit of typing!...

A giant sculpture formed of two glacial igneous granite boulders perched precariously one on top of the other has appeared in the park near the Serpentine Gallery.

Rock On Top Of Another Rock stands five metres tall and is the work of Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss.

The installation is a throwback to the artists' previous work Quiet Afternoon which featured photographs of precariously-balanced sculptures moments before their collapse.

But despite the fact there is nothing holding the boulders together - apart from gravity - Mr Fischli insisted there was no risk to the public.

The monument has been organised in collaboration with The Royal Parks and is part of a series of sculptures including Thomas Schutte's United Enemies and Turning the World Upside Down by Anish Kapoor.

The boulders are visible from several viewpoints across the park and will remain there for 12 months before travelling to Doha as part of a year-long cultural exchange between the UK and Qatar.

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