
Despite the freezing temperatures and the attempts by snow to do more than flurry, the crocuses in the cemetery of Saint Nicholas's are in abundance :)

It's Asha's birthday today - she's 20! How the hell did that happen? She's had a lovely day, a long lie-in, lounging about on the sofa watching movies and we have just had the birthday tea. A bucket of chicken, chips, wedges etc. Not from KFC but from the chippie that also does KFC influenced things but much nicer. So I've been told. Being the token vegetarian (joking!) of the house, I had beans on toast followed by more toast, then some toast after that. Why is toast so more-ish??

In other news, I went arse over tit this morning when I took the bin out. My backside hit the pavement and the (full!) bin landed on top of me, so I am bruised on both sides! And I wonder why I am called "Calamity Jane"?! :D Apart from a bruised coccyx (and pride!) and being a little achey, I am fine :)

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