
By nicky


I noticed this moth on the rudbeckia plant this lunchtime - I’ve never seen one like this before and I’ve no idea what it is, except it was tiny and colourful. Any ideas? Note the slug damage to the leaves - very annoying and I hope they don’t eat it all.

The fencing was finally done this evening. It’s a bit of a bodge job in places but I’m trying very hard not to mind and just be glad that it’s done, and it’s definitely better than what was there before. I do find dealing with tradespeople difficult, particularly if things don’t go quite right. I feel they’ve got all the power and I don’t have the confidence to challenge them. 

I also had a drawing class, where we were drawing popcorn. Really hard, it turns out and I think several of us didn’t really enjoy the class much today. Still, the popcorn was tasty - I didn’t think I liked popcorn!

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