Blue Smoke Emerges from Cottage Hugankiss

For those of you who have been following the latest Hugankiss Saga, thank you for your concern and kind thoughts.

The blue smoke from my chimney may reflect my mood. but compared to those directly affected by the events told over the past few days I am lucky.

To conclude.
There was one more lunch date with Mr X, slotted in between a meeting with lawyers in London and taking his daughter to the dentist!

Always honest and open, he told me that it was the children that had made Mrs X sit down with him to address the issues resulting from her affair with the con merchant.
They are now living together in the family home - 'as chums' - fortunately the house is large enough for it not to be a problem!
Apparently the children are already benefiting from having both parents taking responsibility - rather than just Mr X.
Mrs X is looking better, following a break at a health farm.
There is no trace of the con man.

Mr X has asked that we take a break for a while - and who am I to disagree?
I have a feeling that 'a break for a while' probably means more than that - But of course his family should come first, second and third, so it would be for all the right reasons.

For those of you that think I may be the one that has been conned - rest assured, there is no chance of that. ( On this occasion! )

Lesson 1: Google a person - there will always be a trail - Why even if you google Amanda Hugankiss there are some leads.

Lesson 2: Ask questions - lots - and be aware of any discrepancies - make notes if necessary.

In conclusion Paul was right, Mr X really is one of the nicest people I know!!

I hear the new Pope is from Argentina !

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