
By WeeL

Assignment that I couldn't refuse

I was asked to take photographs for the Strathclyde Police Federation Lewis Fulton Bravery Awards.

Nineteen years ago a young policeman, Lewis Fulton was stabbed to death in Glasgow. As a result of his death, his widow Christine tirelessly campaigned for safer policing and part of this has resulted in police officers being issued with stab resistant vests and CS spray.

This picture is of four very brave officers (4 middle) accompanied by the Assistant Chief Constable and Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police. The four officers were involved in various incidents whereby they tackled violent armed criminals who were attacking members of the public. What makes this even more remarkable is that two of the officers were off duty at the time.

Sometimes it's all too easy to forget the dangers police officers face protecting us on a daily basis. Having listened to the accounts of how they came to be nominated for the award I was moved by the bravery shown by these men who put their own personal safety at serious risk in order to protect the public.

Strathclyde Police will cease to exist from 1 April when the eight police forces in Scotland become one.

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