
By Mindseye

Can you see me?!

Slept pretty well......after my long day, up at 8.30, overcast and a bit chilly first thing! Breakfast indoors......then walked into town, needed my bodywarmer on lol!!

Got my groceries, toiletries and a booked chicken breast for my dinner this evening, then sat outside Costa with a flat white, made a nice change. Walked back home put everything away, then jumped in the car and took it to a handwash express recommended by D nextdoor......they did a good job, like a team of ants all over it!! Got a loyalty card and a free hanging air freshener :-)

Back home, completed the job by cleaning the inside of the car myself, did a thorough job to match the outside.

Got changed into some shorts & vest as the sun had broken through so the afternoon looked promising. Next task was to water the hanging baskets and tubs in the front garden, opened ip the summerhouse, out all te cushins out onto the L shaped sofas.

Made myself a parmesan cheese omlette with a slice of brown toast for lunch, sat in the garden with a cup of tea for a breather, before
making a start of cutting back various things, some weeding, deadheaded all the aqualegias and californian poppies, which are everywhere lol tied in the jackmaani clematis, which is rampant!!

The wind has blown the petals from some of the roses and peonies.......swept all those up, fished out those that had blown into the pond.

Sat down and rang my sis in law, we had a long chat, I think we are both doing a little better than we have been, baby steps as they say. Spoke to youngest and had a facetime chat with daughter late afternoon.

Then I sat back and admired my hardwork, whilst reading my book and I even treated myself to a bottle of beer! Think hub would be impressed with all my hard work :-)

I had my camera handy luckily, as I spotted this little goldfinch flitting around in the Amelanchier that lives in a big pot beside the pond.......he's pretty well camouflaged!

Came indoors for dinner around 7.30, roasted chicken, new potatoes, and a big mixed salad, was stuffed!!

Washed up, ran around downstairs with the hoover, finally sat down with a cup of tea and watched the second half of the Belgium game, they do look pretty decent!! Fingers crossed our boys get their fingers out tomorrow!

Ive done 12.5k steps today, my legs feel tired, thats two days following......at sis's tomorrow, then out walking again Monday! My fitness levels must be improving slowly but surely.

Today is the first day Ive been home all day, not seen anyone else and not cried.....its 10 weeks tomorrow :-(

Hope you are all enjoying your sunny & safe weekend.

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