LLTIW D028 Two

I got about two thirds of the allotment grass cut before the strimmer battery died. It was up to my knees in places so I'm not surprised. By the time I'd done that and weeded the bits I didn't do last time it was way too hot.

Himself went to the pub to watch the football with S1 and S2 and subsequently has come home very hot and grumpy. It was a bit unplanned as S2's B/F was supposed to be there but didn't get out of bed (she was quite cross at him).

I stayed at home, not being the slightest bit interested, but next door's twenty something son had all his mates round and moved the tv into the garden so I couldn't get away. Now they're having a party! I'm trying to decide if it's too early to ask them to turn it down a bit.

There were two cats yesterday.

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