Watching This......

..... and really enjoying it.

Early start to the day.  My husband had an appointment to see an eye specialist.  To check whether he has the beginnings of Glaucoma.

The good news is he hasn't.  But he does  have the beginning of Macula Degeneration.  The specialist said not to worry about it as it's age related, and not very serious at the moment.

I usually go for a walk when we go for these appointments.  But for some reason, I didn't think of it.  

So I sat and read the whole of a National Geographic.

Dropped my husband back home, and went straight out to get some food shopping.

By the time I got back it was lunchtime.  I had a couple of hours before I had to pick Isabella up.

I couldn't be bothered to start anything so I sat and watched the above.

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