
By Snapjax


As I have a swim booked for 2.45, which, by the way, interferes fiercely with my footie viewing, I thought I would start out early. So after Alice B. went off to work, I geared myself up for the drive to Roundhay Park.  Use it or lose it!.  I walked round slowly for 50 mins probably only covering 2 miles in total.  Mikey the black male mini schnauz approached me in his silly puppy way, how could I resist, coos of how sweet, oh how sweet! The young woman was friendly and we chatted, sorry I excitedly told her about R Albert's imminent visit.  I asked if I could take a snap of Mikey, the young woman was more that happy to find a sit and pose.  Mikey is still a ball of curls so perhaps he'll feature better in the future.  However, I was struck by; how friendly,  how easy to engage with was his handler,  how lovely she looks in the snap. We chatted briefly, at a safe distance, I heard excellent English with a slight Nordic accent, that is 'til a Fox Terrier took Mikey's eye and our attention; at this point we said our goodbyes and thank yous!

I had noticed on the TV coverage of the Triathlon last week that the lushness of the park had been enhanced by allowing all the grassed areas to flourish uncut helped by loads of rain and a welcome warm spell.  No surprise then to see the Giant grass Cutters back out in force today, cutting it down to size, mowing the life out of it.

Back home now, sufficiently warm with Patio door open but not a scorcher, we have cloud cover and a breeze.

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