
If this arch were historic and ornately decorated this would be a heck of a shot. We have our roof. He did install a vent I asked him not to as it would interfere with the placement of the solar panels. We have a severe thunderstorm predicted for tonight so we get to test it. 

As every teacher here knows, the most effective way to teach is to
- send an email letting people know that they absolutely must complete three trainings in one day
- conduct that training exclusively through slides with no discussion or interactivity
- include as many extraneous, useless, obscure details as possible
- make certain the training takes hours and hours and hours

That said, it was still a good day. I discovered that someone who I worked for in Mozambique, and who works for me now, got everyone excited about my coming. She told them the energy part of the project was a disaster until I came out and turned it around. 

I saw two gigantic catfish in Rock Creek Park tonight. I didn't even know we had those here. No, not big enough to swallow a person ;-)

Thank you Majoayee for hosting. 

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