Day in the office, where I had a relatively quiet but productive day. We all shared a lunch of leftovers from a family party that V had had at the weekend, and the rather gooey brownies that I’d made yesterday.
In the afternoon I was listening in on a big meeting whilst at the same time hearing the cheers, gasps and shouts from the large crowd assembled in the courtyard of the pub behind the office…I could follow the way the Scotland/Czech football was going by the tone of the noise! Feels so long since I’ve heard the crowds like that.

After a very sunny start it clouded over and was quite cool by the time I walked home…chatted to T in the evening and he gave me a tour of his garden whilst we chatted about the delay to reopening in England and what it might mean for him. They’ll find out tomorrow if the club will still open but just as a bar or if he has another month off furlough or slowed down prep.

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