
By Skyroad

Broken View

Brought the wean up to Fun Fitness in the Dublin Mountains,. While driving there I had noticed the unusually stormy sky, a marvelous mix of painterly colours such as I hadn't seen for years. So after we passed Lamb Doyle's pub, as we turned right I drove down the mountain a bit, to shoot a few frames. But it was when we pulled into the huge Fun Fitness car park, with its elaborate (and elaborately vandalised) sheltered walkways, that I found what I believe may be a better frame for the sky. After all, an image of the sky, no matter how wonderful, is primarily the sky's own palette. I like to bring something of my own to the image (apart from merely selecting that rectangular moment of landscape).

We made it in time for a half hour or so in the indoor playground, which was enough for the wean. He was tired and wanted to get home for tea (and TV of course).

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