Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

There Are Fairies At the Bottom of My Garden

I loved the way that the light played on the falling down old shed towards the bottom of my garden this morning.

The car gleefully told it it was minus 5, brrrr chilly and I needed a pick axe to get the ice off the windscreen (ok so not really, but it was hard work with the ice scrapper and my hand despite being in gloves got cold).

Discovered the cause of my headache this week - yucky, icky girly nonsense, but I have still printed off my free eye test voucher from work as I still feel that some of it could be due to eye strain.

Well I am feeling really sick, like I have been smacked between the eyes and having my insides twisted about for good measure, so I am heading for a shower, have brought ready meal (mac and cheese with bacon or what ever else it could be packet says pork but well who knows) and then early night, thank god its only a half day tomorrow I think I will be able to cope.

Weekend I will have a nice catch up

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